Monday, November 26, 2012

Senior Year!

How is it already the last week of this semester?? This whole time I thought this semester was never going to end, and now it is almost over! THANK GOODNESS. This semester has been ROUGH. There have been parts that I have loved, and there have been parts that I have hated, and cannot wait to forget. 

Let's start with the parts that I have LOVED. First I got into Student Foundation, and I have loved every minute of it! I have met tons of awesome people and gotten to talk to tons of perspective students about Baylor! It has been an incredible semester and I cannot wait for next semester! 

Kayla and I the night we got our jerseys!

Sarah and I studying in Ed's! We were excited Ross got into grad school!

I used to babysit this kid and now he is attending college fairs!

We played flag football and wrecked shop.

80's party...I mean 80s.

Ready for the Homecoming Parade!

Got a Baylor official picture!

These guys are ridiculous. 

These are just a few pictures to show what all has been going on in StuFu. Needless to say I love it and I am so blessed to be apart of it this year!

The second thing I have loved has been football. Even though it started rough, we are going bowling!! For the 3rd straight year! A new school record! As much as I love RG3, I am thankful that we have been able to prove the doubters wrong. He was not the only reason we did so well last year. This Saturday is the last home game, so it is the senior game, meaning I get to run the line! I am so excited to get to do this, and sad at the same time because I just kept thinking this day was so far away!

Lauren and I at the first home game of the season!

The Case pre-game.

The Case during the game!

We love Sarah Dempsky!

Sic 'Em Bruiser!

On the field!!

We upset K-State! The number one team in the nation!

This football season has been full of ups and downs, but the highlights have included winning our Homecoming game, upsetting K-State and going bowling!! I have loved Baylor football these last four years, and I will continue to support my Bears as an alum! Sic 'Em Bears!

I love my roommates this year! There are four of us and I could not ask for better roommates! Although we haven't had much time to hang out because we all have crazy schedules, the moments we do get together I love! One of those moments was Halloween! We all went to a costume party and so of course we had to take some roommate pictures! 

Strike your pose!

Love these girls!!

I'd rather not end this post on a sad note, so forget what I didn't enjoy this semester, I had so much to be thankful for! Again I cannot believe it is the last week of the fall semester. I have 172 days until I graduate!! AHH!! That is ridiculous! Well I am just going to have to enjoy every moment and not try to speed it up, time is flying by on its own! ha

I realize I did not talk much about class, because that involves things I cannot wait to forget...anyways grades are good, I love my major, and I am getting my work done! I cannot wait to be done with finals and to be done with a few classes specifically...

Hopefully it won't be 4 months before I post again...

Have a great week y'all!!